Simple and well known tactics (Guide Part 2)

This time I will start by explaining the simpler ways to make money within wow.

So your playing wow, to play wow well you need gold and gold isn't hard to come by its apart of the game after all. So how did the designers (Blizzard) Intend for you the player to make gold within they're game? A large part of your first few hundred gold will come from quests and loot from mobs which Blizzard intended (This I covered in part 1). Now I don't work for Blizzard or anything but my guess is they didn't intend it to be too difficult to make gold in wow so where do you start. From the get go the easiest way to make gold is and will always be farming. Before raging into the comments box please note that I didn't say "easiest and quickest way" that's because farming is by no means quick. See if you don't already know farming is a process of "farming" a group of mobs that drop a certain item, whether that is armour or even just greys, it is known as farming. What is also known as farming is  collecting mats that are used to craft items, like ore and leather. I am not going to name every way to farm in wow because that's not what I'm here to do. But before I go any further I want make things clear.

Farming is the best bet to for making gold period. the reason for this is simple. An unlimited resource which you can farm at your own pace, at your own time. Now you do have to check to see that you can sell what it is your farming for but to be honest, as long as your farming something that is used at the level cap (In this case 80) then its a safe bet that someone, somewhere is going to buy it. A good example of this is Arctic fur. Arctic fur sells for about 50g (On my server at lest) and sometimes can be quite scarce at times, allowing you to bump the price up and sell your recent farm for a shiny penny. Once again I am not going to name things for you to farm, I am only explaining that there is loads to be farmed within wow and if you can find what you enjoy to farm and it sells for a high price, You'll be rolling in the gold soon enough.

The next simple way I'd like to explain my not sound to simple, but once you understand the concept it really is simple however risky. 

To be honest I don't know what people call it. Personally I call it "Working the AH". What this means is that you use the AH to make you gold without really doing much work at all. This is the method preferred by a lot of gold guides in the sense that it suits the needs of the people buying the guide, that its simple, requires next to know time, and about the same actual play time to achieve. So now to explain exactly what it means.

Take an item, any item. Preferably one that is sold often. Out of thin air I'll take Arctic fur (Ok I don't love the stuff I just can't think of anything else at this time :P). Like I said above on my server Arctic fur costs about 50g on my server. The reason I say about is because this price changes from time to time. Some people put there's in thinking they can get 100g for it, when others just want a quick sale and place it in for 40g. Its is these people your going to grow to like a lot! See you begin by watching an items market and figuring out a "base price". Basically what an item on average sells for. Our average for today is 50g. Now again you watch the market and wait for bob to come along looking for a quick sale, say 40g. And then you buy it for him. Not to use yourself but to place back in the AH for 50g, thus making a 10g profit for almost 10 seconds work. You see where this is going?

Now you can make a quick gold or 2 out of this method but it really gets into its own when you cover loads of items at the same time! Say you've got 10 of this item, 20 of that item and 50 of this item and chances are they are all going to sell for 10g more than you brought them. That right there is 800g (Fingers crossed) that will be in your hands shortly. I say fingers crossed because your item might not sell, it might be under cut by someone looking for a quick sale too but that is the true battle. It is making sure that it is your stock that sells and not everyone else's, while still making a profit from it.

I did say above that this sounds complicated but it really isn't. I suggest getting an addon pack called "Auctioneer" which will help you to make the most out of the AH and make it easier to do what I explained above. If you use this method correctly and safely in the sense that you don't take too many risks, you should make some cash out of it. But I do not recommend this method for a few reasons.

There is a high chance that your items will not sell, meaning at some point or another your going to come across an item which is costing you more in deposit than it will be bringing in a profit. Now if you can handle this method and are ready for the risks then go for it. Hell do this while farming mats like explained above and you'll be rolling in it. But any experienced wow player will know of these too tactics and if you fall under that category then your not looking for tips on doing something you may have already tried and just cannot get along with. Your not alone my friend I for one don't like the AH method purely because it robs people of the farming they did so you can make gold off them. 

I'm not going to tell you not to use that method though, I'm going to show you better methods for making gold. Stay tuned for more from this blog because this is all I have time for tonight. I will be updating soon with more infomation on how I make gold within wow (Including the tactics that I am using to this day to make gold).