So where do I begin in a world as large as wow. I will begin by giving you the simplest of tips that can save you the odd gold when you need it most, and the things that all wow players should have some level of understanding. So without further ado here are my tips (In no order at all) on making spending money in wow.
First set yourself a goal, why are you saving your gold? Are you trying for an epic flying mount? Or maybe you want a motorbike. Set yourself a goal and remember why your saving that money, else you'll throw it away at any given moment.
I'll presume your levelling, whether that is a level 1 character or a level 79. There is always room to save that extra bit of gold. When levelling you'll be tempted to buy new armour for your level from the auction house. Now I'm not telling you to never do this, just avoid it if you can. Lots of low level people make money from this by selling the items they have looted along the way to people who need them. Great idea yes for them, not for you. If your doing enough quests and killing enough mobs chances are that you'll get a green drop that you can use, So use it. Its free and its an upgrade. You've just saved yourself 10g at the AH on some armour you'll just grow out of in 5 levels.
Also avoid upgrading too much. Like I said above I'm not saying don't buy from the AH. There are times that when your level 50, level 20 armour just wont cut it any more. When I'm levelling I set myself a bracket. Say once every 10 levels I'll look for upgrades. If the upgrade isn't near or right on top of my current level, then I don't upgrade and I keep going, thus saving your gold for when your really going to need it.
"But Devildragon" you say. "I need to buy armour because I keep dying, I need upgrades!". You keep dying yes, but you don't need upgrades. Now I'm going to say this without trying to sound mean. Chances are if your dying your ether in the wrong level area or your too stupid to know what to pull or what not to pull. Why am I covering this in a gold making guide you say? Its simple. Every time you die it adds to your repair bill, and after 10 repairs your wondering where all your money went too. So the less you die the more money you'll save. Now your next question is most likely "Ok I'm no good at the game, teach me how to play." I'm afraid that is not what this guide is for and to be honest you've got to learn for yourself. Just take things easy don't bite more than you can chew and you'll be fine.
Moving on from repair bills what else can you do as your levelling to save gold? Another but factor is the loot that you collect from mobs. Now if your thinking "Unless its a quest I don't bother too loot" then you deserve a slap. No really. Sure the mobs drop a lot of greys that are pointless, but this is also an early money maker. Ok its not going to get you thousands of gold just buy looting everything, but it is going to start you on the right track. So the simple rule is loot everything! Everywhere! Most mobs drop money and some greys or even the odd green (Which I mentioned above you could keep for yourself, or sell on the auction house to make money). Without trying to sound like a high-street supermarket "Every little helps".
Now if your wondering what to do with all of those greys and rubbish items you've looted then I'll give you another slap. Its simple you sell them! No not on the auction house, greys really don't sell on the auction house at all. You sell them to any vender at all. I tend to go through a few hours of levelling and notice my bags are full, turn around and run for the nearest town to clean my bags out. Rinse repeat. Its that simple.
I'll sum up everything I have tried to teach you into a few simple sentences.
Keep spending to a minimum.
Make the most out of your time levelling by looting everything and making profit.
Stop dying so much, those repair bills add up you know.
And 1 final note. Get yourself a farming profession. What I mean by this is get your a profession that you can gather mats with (Mats being what people use to make things within wow). A good one to have is skinning as it does not require a tracker to be active, and will make sure you loot your mobs too :P. Just sell what you get on the Auction house for a quick profit.