Ok so you want to know how I make gold? Well with a simple 1 time payment of over 9000 pounds you can too make gold in wow... joke. No I wouldn't do that to you guys :P Even my own ways of making gold are still going to be 100% free. Don't you just love me yet?
Anyway... So how do I make gold? Chances are your reading this from the video I made on my channel titled "The secret to making gold in wow right in this video I kid you not". If not then the link is here > CLICK . Long story short i got fed up of gold guides. So I made that quick video sort of explaining one of the tactics I am going to explain in full below.
So the first one I will tell you about is a simple low time required method of making gold, but it can be pricey to begin with. In a previous part I explained how to make gold by buying items on the AH then selling them back in for a higher price. At its roots this tactic is basically that but with a much higher success rate.
To use this way of making gold you will need the following:
A Character (Preferably level 80) With Enchanting (375)
An addon called "Auctioneer" Link > CLICK
A few hundred gold to start
Also I suggest a good mail addon for opening all the mail your going to receive > CLICK
Now if gold is a real problem for you then you need to do some daily quests and random HC's because your going to need a bit of gold to make more. Not much but still.
So you've got everything in the list, good. Lets begin.
I part 1 of this guide I believe I told you about selling greens as you level if you don't need the upgrade. Well now comes the exciting part because your going to use all those suckers looking to make a quick buck, to make a huge buck. Now this can be done at any item level range however for the purpose of this guide we'll use the required levels of between 50 - 60.
Back when I was suing this myself this was my main money maker range. You can make gold from other levels, even level 80 items but I found the % of profit to be large in this range so this is what I am using to explain.
Using your new addon auctioneer run to your nearest AH and have a quick scan. Ok you don't really need to do this but it will help you in the long run. Once the scan is done (mine takes about 20 minutes) you'll be ready to start buying items. I'll sum up what your going to be doing then give you the long explanation.
Your going to be buying cheap GREEN items, disenchanting them and selling the mats you gain from the DE (DE = disenchant).
Now for the long explanation. You start by setting your level range go for 50 - 60 and then set the rarity too "Uncommon" or green then give it a scan. You should get a few pages of random green armour. Now hover over the first item you see. We'll just say you found the "Boots of ultimate kicking power" (No that item doesn't exist -.-).
Ok so while hovering over the item you'll see all the stat info of the item as well as a lot of new info provided by auctioneer. If you look through the list you'll see a lot of info on selling price and stuff but your looking for "Disenchant Value". I'm just going to guestimate for this but you'll get the idea.
Say the "Boots of ultimate kicking power" are going for a buy out price of 2g, however the DE value is 12g. Now 70% of you should be seeing where this is going already, if your in the last 30% keep reading.
Your now going to buy that item and DE it yourself, pretty much making 10g in one small move. You've just got to put those mats back in the AH for a quick profit. 9 times out of 10 Mats sell on the first go through but if its returned to you in 24 hours then just put it back in until it sells. Make sure that yours is the cheapest on the AH ALWAYS!! But don't go ridiculous because you don't want to make the market crash, else you wont be making any money from it. Also don't worry about losing money on deposits because enchanting mats don't have deposits thus making a little more gold.
So to sum it up you've just made 12g from 2g which is 10g profit. Easy really once you understand it but I'm going to say it again.
What I mean is if someone's got Mat "A" on the AH for 2g, don't go in and place yours as 1s. Because you'll be lowering the market for everyone else hoping to sell mat A also. If the lowest bid going is 2g, the put yours in for 1g 99s. Sure its dishonourable but you wont feel so bad any more when you log on in the morning to find your mail box is full of gold waiting for you to spend.
A good example of this is when Primordial Saronite was first made public. I remember seeing auctions for almost 10000g a pop. Now you can pick them up for almost 1000g and the reason for that is people undercutting other peoples prices too much. If they had kept the prices up you'd still be rolling in money :P and its high market prices that you want to see the most.